Creating my first web page!!

Finally for our last exercise here in IT1, we were taught about doing our own web page! Basic terms were first introduced including HTML, W3W, web site, web page, web browser, and a source code editor. In here, we focused on how to do a web page. In doing a web page, different HTML tags were defined according to use. There were different tags for title, body, comment, heading, paragraph, span, and many more. These tags have their own functions in a web page. In here, I have learned how each of them is used in order to make a single output in which their uses unite.

Before taking this subject, I only see web pages and did not understand how those were done. Now, I have better understanding on how these are composed and I also was able to do my own. My web page contained information about myself. It was enjoying customizing a web page containing designs that I want. Learning this would also help me make more for future uses.

As for my last blog, I’d like to thank my professors here in IT1 for helping and guiding me in understanding information technology further. It was a fun semester learning different things every laboratory meetings. I would always remember the things that I have learned here. 🙂

First Programming

In today’s exercise, I have finally learned about how to do basic programming. In the process, python3 and other basic terms were introduced to us first. Then basic operations were taught which were just like how we normally do operations. Variables where in we can assign equivalents for words was also introduced. After that, we then did the basic inputs and outputs. The exercise was overwhelming at first glance since you would start to think on how to apply everything that was just taught. Answering the exercise was like solving a puzzle for you have to think of ways and looks for some problems in order to have the desired output. I have tried and repeated everything for so many times before I ended up with the right output.

It was hard but the part when you do it successfully is really fulfilling!

Document Collaboration

Our Exercise 2 for data collaboration lasted for approximately two months. We have had a long time to prepare to finally come up to our final report in which we have done for this day. The preparation involved collaboration through the use of google docs which helped us communicate our ideas or suggestions about our study. Through it, we effectively came up with our work in which everyone’s ideas were included. After it, we formed our survey which composed of questions regarding our topic, Food Choices. We have learned through the results how people choose the foods they are about to eat and the factors that they consider in choosing such foods. Finally, we were able to summarize the results through the use of google slides which provided us not only concise format for our presentation, but also attractive designs for us to choose. In the end, at this day, we were able to share to our other classmates here in IT1 the study that we have conducted.

These were the things that we did during the whole process of our exercise. We hope that not only us but also our other classmates learned through the results of our own studies and effectively apply those learning in real life.

Basic Programming

Today’s exercise was about basic programming. The game I played was related to star wars in which I have to get an item at first.The process of playing the game provided a step by step tutorial that I applied in producing my own game.The transition of the steps was from easy to complicated ones in which I had to analyze the instructions first. In the end, I was able to execute all of the things I learned from the trial in my own game. To be honest, it did not feel like it was an exercise since all I did was play a game and make my own at the end. It was fun learning and playing at the same time. This was my first time to produce a game. I enjoyed and learned all throughout the exercise.

Hello again, Algebra!

For today’s meeting, we have tackled about Digital Logic and Boolean Algebra. Well guess what I am saying hello to Algebra again. I really did not know that I will encounter a lot of Math here in IT1. So far, this has been like the third topic in which there is an application of Math in the exercise. The different gates were taught and digital logic was introduced after. It was already discussed in our lecture but it only became clear for me here in the lecture. Everything was good not until the discussion of proving. It is hard but through practice I think I will get better. But all in all, I have learned a lot and enjoyed today’s meeting.

Binary Arithmetic

In today’s activity we have studied about the Binary Arithmetic. It was just like our lesson last meeting but now with the application in addition and subtraction. Yes, it was still tricky at first but can be learned through practice. After doing the examples, I was first able to convert decimals through the use of 1’s and 2’s complements. 2’s complement was the same as the method in 1’s but with the addition of 1. After that, I learned how to add binary numbers in which is also applicable in the natural way of adding numbers. Moreover, the subtraction was also taught to us. Lastly was the introduction of what overflow is and how to know if you would just disregard it or label it as a source of error.

These were the topics I have learned here in my IT1 lab. Same as the last time, I have enjoyed another experience!

Fourth Blog Post

At today’s meeting we tackled about Numbers system. I thought I already graduated in my Math subjects but I guess I was wrong. I really did not expect to study about numbers in this class since I did not know computer systems also use numbers.

In Number systems, I have known more about decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal. I do not remember if I already studied it in high school but  I am sure that I have already known the decimal. We did conversions from one category to another. The processes were not that long but I am sure you will feel lost at times specially at first encounter. It was a bit tricky at first but it turned out slightly easy as we were given more examples on how to do it. I felt happy knowing that the exercise will be a take home since it will give me chance to practice it a little more because as what they say, “practice makes perfect”.

This is what I have learned in my IT 1 class today. Yes, new experience has come again! Let’s wait for more 🙂

Third Blog Post

At our last meeting at IT 1 class, we had two agendas which is to know the system unit and to meet our group mates to talk about our activity. We had an opportunity to do our activity that time while waiting for our turn in the discussion.

During the discussion, I have learned things about the system unit. Well, I do admit that I call it as the CPU until that time. So inside it were the parts with their corresponding functions. The major part is the CPU or the Central Processing Unit which serves as the major processor of the data. Some of the other parts were the RAM, Power supply, PCI, AGP etc. I have also learned about the common ports and how these are used. Moreover, I knew the difference between some terms like the Driver and Drive, and Disk and Disc.

It was an enjoying discussion since we finally had an actual encounter with a system unit. It was my first time seeing the inside of it and knowing how some of its parts work. It was fun and I do look forward to more actual discussions about Computers these coming laboratory meetings. 🙂

Hello Ubuntu :)

At our first lecture here at IT 1, I did not only learn new concepts but also met  Ubuntu, a friend that I think will be with me throughout this semester.

Of course, what I knew first about Ubuntu is its history and creators. Just like how u meet a new person, the identity comes first. I saw how it looks like which is similar in seeing someone for the first time. Aside from that, I think we got a bit closer together as I have learned some things about what is inside it and how it works through various commands. There were a lot of commands that somewhat made me rethink if I want to know it more. It was hard to deal with at first but I think it will take time for me to get used to it just like knowing a person first before getting comfortable with him/her. But I do enjoyed experiencing these new things with Ubuntu.

I look forward to more memories that I will be sharing with it this sem! 🙂

Today’s Experience

As my first blog in this site, I will tell you about my embarrassing moment today. I know in each day we encounter different circumstances but what I have experienced today may be just the same as yours. This may not be that exciting but it will just be short so I hope you will read it till the end.

I started this day waking up early at 5:30 am for my 7:00 am class. I am a morning person so waking up early is not a problem to me. This is one of the reasons why I always enroll in early classes. As what I have said earlier, different situations happen in a day but one thing that occurs frequently is the traffic here in Los Banos. Since I travel from home to campus, I normally allot one hour for my travel time. But this day, I finished late and I only had 30 minutes. I was really problematic that time since I still did not know the room for my first class. I do not really like coming to class late since I am a shy person and I do not like the attention people give when you enter the room at the middle of the class. Since today is not my lucky day, I entered the room at the door near the board where the instructor was discussing. I felt so embarrassed as I walked at the front so I walked really fast to the nearest vacant seat but sadly, it was at the last row so I still gained a lot of attention. I know this would be nothing for others but I normally end up being bugged with the thought for a couple of days.

So this is what I have experienced today. I hope that reading this would let you know little about me.