Fourth Blog Post

At today’s meeting we tackled about Numbers system. I thought I already graduated in my Math subjects but I guess I was wrong. I really did not expect to study about numbers in this class since I did not know computer systems also use numbers.

In Number systems, I have known more about decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal. I do not remember if I already studied it in high school but  I am sure that I have already known the decimal. We did conversions from one category to another. The processes were not that long but I am sure you will feel lost at times specially at first encounter. It was a bit tricky at first but it turned out slightly easy as we were given more examples on how to do it. I felt happy knowing that the exercise will be a take home since it will give me chance to practice it a little more because as what they say, “practice makes perfect”.

This is what I have learned in my IT 1 class today. Yes, new experience has come again! Let’s wait for more 🙂

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